I did have fun doing COWPOKE DAY for the Molalla Community school. There were about 10 little buckaroos ready to learn about saddling a pony and milking a goat. Willie, the mini horse, was provided by the local Junior Court. They taught the class how to put on a bridle and saddle. They explained the different parts of the horse and taught a little roping. I brought my mini nubian goat, Airplane Ears, for the milking lesson. Airplane Ears, however, had other ideas. We had us a little goat rodeo before my husband took her home. We did manage to get in a little milking. I had brought homemade goat cheese and fresh goat ice cream that was a big hit. Then we all headed into the conference room in the library for crafts, singing cowboy songs and story time.
We ended the day with singing: HAPPY TRAILS.
Colony Days in Aurora, Oregon was a blast! I did a book signing at the Aurora Museum and talked history to a lot of vacationers and locals. I love to talk about history and genology while I sell my books. It was a perfect day for me.
The time has come for my husband and I to relax. It's Vacation Time! We are leaving on our packed down BMW Motorcycles and headed to Nevada. We plan on camping for a week in remote places and capturing a little bit of the old Cowboy and Indian atmosphere.
Happy Trails
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